緊急アピール「アメリカの言論の自由を守れ!」 11/04/01

 声明をNYタイムス紙の全面広告または他のメディアに出そうと計画していますが、ご 存知の通り、かなりの費用がかかります。カンパは小切手で以下(Academic Freedom Adと書いておいて下さい。)へお願いします。

Center for Economic Research and Social Change
P.O. Box 258082
Chicago, IL 60625

声 明

9月11日のテロ事件に関して、アメリカ国内の学者、大学教員などアカデミズム関係 者の多くが、このテロ事件の原因、意味を問う様々なイベントに参加しています。ア メリカがアフガニスタンで戦争をしている今、アカデミズム関係者はこのような行動 を続けています。

 しかし、これらのイベントの参加者の中には自らの意見を表明したがために、脅迫 ・攻撃を受ける人たちが出てきました。ニューヨーク市立大学の理事会は、10月はじ めの集会でアメリカの外交政策を批判した教員への正式な弾劾を行おうとしていま す。
テキサス大学オースティン校、マサチューセッツ工科大学、ノースキャロライナ大学 チャペルヒル校、マサチューセッツ大学アマースト校などでも、同じ様な事が起こっ ています。AAUP(AmericanAssociation of University Professors大学教授協会)の理事、ルース・フラワーはボストングローブ紙で、これ らの動きに懸念を示しています(10月6日)。

 ブッシュ政権の戦争政策に疑問を呈したり、反対を表明したりした大学教員に対す る攻撃が始まるのと同時に、連邦政府から各大学に学生に関する情報の提供をするよ うに圧力がかかり始めました。議会のなかでも海外からの学生ビザの発行を制限する 動きが出てきています。

 アカデミズムの自由、市民の自由を擁護するために、研究・教育に携わる人々が声 をあげるよう訴えます。これは抽象的な理念だけではなく、実践です。このようなと きにこそ、良識ある声、とくに批判的な声をあげる自由を保障するべきではないでし ょうか。  呼びかけ人

Anatole Anton
Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University

  Dana Cloud
Associate Professor of Communication, University of Texas at Austin

  Donna Flayhan
Assistant Professor of Communication & Media Studies, Goucher College

  Phil Gasper
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Notre Dame de Namur University

  Richard Gibson
Associate Professor of Social Studies, San Diego State University

  William Keach
Professor of English, Brown University

  Tom Lewis
Professor of Spanish, University of Iowa

  Edward Said
University Professor, Columbia University


---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 16:12:44 -0800
From: Academic Freedom To:
Subject: Academic Freedom Statement

  The following statement in defense of academic freedom is being circulated by concerned faculty members. If you would like to endorse the statement, please send your name, academic position and affiliation, and contact information to Non-academic endorsers are also welcome.

  We hope to publish the statement as a full page ad in the New York Times and possibly other media outlets with the names of hundreds or thousands of endorsers. The cost will be many thousands of dollars. If you would like to make a contribution towards the cost of publishing the statement, please send a check to:

Center for Economic Research and Social Change
P.O. Box 258082
Chicago, IL 60625
Mark your check "Academic Freedom Ad".

Please contact the email address above if you have any questions or comments.

  To fellow teachers and staff members:

  In the crisis precipitated by the terrible events of September 11, members of academic communities across the U.S. have participated in teach-ins, colloquia, demonstrations, and other events aimed at developing an informed critical understanding of what happened and why. Now that the U.S. is waging war in  Afghanistan, such acitivites are continuing.

  Unfortunately, some participants in these events have been threatened and attacked for speaking out. Trustees of the City University of New York are planning formal denunciations of faculty members who criticized U.S. foreign policy at a teach-in during the first week in October. There have been similar efforts to silence criticism and dissent at the University of Texas at Austin, MIT, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and elsewhere. AAUP director of public policy Ruth Flower told the Boston Globe on October 6, "We're watching these developments with a lot of concern."

  Attacks on faculty who have questioned or dissented from the Bush administration's current war policy have coincided with other ominous developments. Colleges and universities are being pressured by agencies of the federal government to hand over confidential information from studentfiles. And there are moves in Congress to limit visas for students from abroad.

  We call on all members of the the academic community to speak out strongly in defense of academic freedom and civil liberties, not just as an abstract principle but as a practical necessity. At a moment such as this we must make sure that all informed voices-especially those that are critical and dissenting-are heard.

    Anatole Anton
Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University

  Dana Cloud
Associate Professor of Communication, University of Texas at Austin

  Donna Flayhan
Assistant Professor of Communication & Media Studies,Goucher College

  Phil Gasper
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Notre Dame de Namur University

  Richard Gibson
Associate Professor of Social Studies, San Diego State University

  William Keach
Professor of English, Brown University

  Tom Lewis
Professor of Spanish, University of Iowa

  Edward Said
University Professor, Columbia University

Patrick G. Coy, Ph.D.
Center for Applied Conflict Management (CACM)
Kent State University
Box 5190
Kent, OH 44242 CACM web site:
Phone: (330) 672-2875 "Research in Social Movements,