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US Links

Resources & Contacts

A project of Protest.Net to provide a central listing of anti-war activites that have sprung up around the world. The cycle of terror and violence that was seen on September 11th must not be followed by further killing. You can also submit An Event: The Listings aren't static, so add your events so everybody can know what's happening in your area.

ANSWER (Act Now to Stop the War and End Racism)
Website: www.internationalanswer.org
If you believe in civil liberties and oppose racism and war, demonstrate around the world. The coalition is planning future actions. We urge all organizations internationally to join together at this critical time and take action.

International Action Center Information, Activism, and Resistance to U.S. Militarism, War, and Corporate Greed, Linking with Struggles Against Racism and Oppression within the United States , Founded by Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General
Website: www.iacenter.org
One of the main organizers of the ANSWER coalition

Global Exchange "Hate-Free Community" campaign
Download posters from:
Phone: 415-255-7296;
Email: peace@globalexchange.org

Posters with anti-hate crime & and pro-religious unity messages (some bilingual) can be printed/downloaded from this Website: www.US-UNITE.ORG



Asian-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)
Legal guidance and assistance for Asians & Asian-Americans
Email contact for violence/harassment reports:
Sin Yen Ling,sling@aaldef.org
Phone: 212-760-9110,212-966-5932
Fax: 212-966-4303
Email (general): info@aaldef.org

Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV)
Advocacy, information and referrals for victims of anti-Asian violence and police brutality.
Languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, English
Phone: 718-220-7391
Fax: 718-220-7398
Email: justice@caaav.org

SIKH.org (website) Hate crimes against Sikhs or anyone else can also be reported on the sikh.org Website:www.sikh.org/hatecrime
Email: hateagainstsikhs@yahoo.com.
Contact: info@sikh.org or
Phone: 212-894-3752 ext 3603

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Hotline
To report discrimination against Muslims and Arabs. Callers should provide as much detail as possible, and stress the prejudicial nature of the incident as this line has been reluctant to classify incidents as hate crimes.
Phone (toll-free): 800-552-6843



The Hagop Kevorkian Center at NYU
A national resource center on the Middle East, providing media briefings for news professionals and teaching resources for high school and college teachers, including training workshops, speakers and multimedia teaching materials.
Phone: 212-998-8872,

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
A speakers list (with affiliations, areas of expertise and contact info) is available along with extensive other information about Arab American issues, on ADC's:


NY Teach Against the War
Email list for teachers, K-college, in the NYC metro area. Subscribe by sending a message to: NYTeachAgainsttheWar@topica.com

"Beyond Blame: A Reaction to the Terrorist Attack," free 30-page curriculum for middle and high school students, focused on issues of justice and mislaid blame. Produced by Education Development Center (Newton, MA)
Phone: 617-618-2700;

Educators for Social Responsibility (Cambridge, MA)
Free lesson plans, newly updated guide on "Talking to Children About Violence and Other Sensitive and Complex Issues in the World," & other materials. Suggestions for when and how to talk to children, ways to respond to revenge and retaliation fantasies, ideas for collective action, anti-Arab sentiment, rage, fear, etc. Contact:
Phone: 800-370-2515 or 617-492-1764; Fax: 617-864-5164;
Email: educators@esrnational.org

NECA/Teaching for Change (Washington, DC)
Lesson plans (updated daily)
And numerous other resources for educators (some in Spanish)
Contact: 800-763-9131;
Email: necadc@aol.com
Website: www.teachingforchange.org/Sept11.htm

Advocates for Children (New York, NY)
AFC works on behalf of children from infancy to age 21 who are at greatest risk for school-based discrimination and/or academic failure, especially children with disabilities, ethnic minorities, immigrants, homeless children, foster care children, limited English proficient children and those living in poverty. Provides individual case advocacy, technical assistance, and training for parents, students, and professionals about children's educational entitlements and due process rights in NYC.
Phone: 212-947-9779 ext. 39;

More websites addressing the issue of talking to youth about hate crimes:


National Lawyers' Guild
Up-to-date news and legal information, especially for immigration law; will help you find a lawyer in an emergency; offers "Know Your Rights" materials & trainings.
Phone: 212-627-2656 (national office); 617-227-9727 (National Immigration Project, based in Boston);
Email: nlgno@nlg.org (national office);

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
For information on proposed "anti-terrorism" laws and their impact on immigrants and civil liberties:

Immigration Rights

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
A Quaker organization with numerous immigration-related programs around the country, plus information on peace and conscientious objection.
Contact: Janna Shadduck-Hernandez
(national immigration program coordinator in the Philadelphia office),
Phone:215-241-7128; Fax: 215-241-7119;
Email: jshernandez@afsc.org
Website: www.afsc.org

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)
A national organization composed of local coalitions and immigrant, refugee, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists.
Phone: 510-465-1984;
Email: nnirr@nnirr.org
Website: www.nnirr.org

La Resistencia
A national organization devoted to anti-discrimination and anti-racism, especially as directed toward Latino/a immigrants.
P.O. Box 2823, Houston, TX 77252-2823
Phone: 713-521-3099;
Email: laresistencia@laresistencia.org


Amnesty International
Information about human rights issues and current situations around the world, including recent events and responses.
Phone: 212-807-8400; Fax: 212-463-9193 or 212-627-1451;

Center for Economic & Social Rights (Brooklyn)
Fact sheets on Afghanistan & other information on human rights and labor rights in general.
Phone:718-237-9145; Fax: 718-237-9147;
Email: rights@cesr.org;
Middle East Program: mep@cesr.org;
Website: www.cesr.org



Jung (War)
In the Land of the Mujaheddin, about the devastating civil war in Afghanistan which has maimed and killed thousands of its citizens for more than 20 years. The Human Rights Watch International Film Festival will provide a Beta SP or VHS (NTSC) cassette copy of this film free of charge to organizations for community screenings over the next several months.
Bruni Burres, Human Rights Watch International Film Festival,
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th floor, New York, NY 10118-3299
Phone: 212-216-1264; fax 212-736-1300;
email :burresb@hrw.org
Website: www.hrw.org/iff

Paper Tiger Television Collective has two new 28-minute videos about the Sept. 11 disaster and its aftermath: "9.11" and "Turning Tragedy Into War".
For information:
Email: info@papertiger.org
Phone: 212-420-9045;
Website: www.papertiger.org

Women Make Movies is providing free rentals (charging only shipping and handling) through Dec. 31, 2001, on films about Arab and Muslim culture.
Women Make Movies,
462 Broadway, Suite 500G, New York, NY 10013.
Phone: 212-925-0606 x360; fax: 212-925-2052
email: educate@wmm.com
Website: www.wmm.com



Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) was established in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1977 as an independent political/social organization of Afghan women fighting for human rights.
RAWA, P.O.Box 374, Quetta, Pakistan;
Phone: 0092-300-8551638 (Pakistan);
Fax:760-281-9855 (California, USA).
Email: rawa@rawa.org
Website: www.rawa.org

Afghan Womens' Mission (Pasadena, CA) works to support Afghan refugees, particularly by funding projects which address the desperate health care, education, and empowerment needs of the Afghan refugees, primarily women and children.
Contact: 509-756-2236;
Email: info@afghanwomensmission.org
Website: afghanwomensmission.org

Islam and Muslims

Latin American Muslim Unity (Fresno, CA)
Contact: 559-431-LAMU;
Email: LatinMuslims@hotmail.com;
Website: www.latinmuslims.com
(website includes historial page on Islam in Latin America, including linguistic& cultural impact)

Zaytuna Institute of Islamic Studies (Hayward, CA):
Contact: 510-582-1979;
Email: info@zaytuna.org
Website: www.zaytuna.org

Islamic Institute (Washington, DC)
Politically conservative.
Website: www.islamicinstitute.org
(contains information on Islam and Muslim culture and society, as well as news items and press releases regarding the Sept. 11 attacks).

Arabs and Arab-Americans

Arab American Institute (Washington DC): Clearinghouse for Arab American participation government, and research on the Arab American constituency; also deals with policy issues.
Contact: 202-429-9210; Fax: 202-429-9214;
Website: www.aaiusa.org

Arab American Action Network (Chicago, IL)
Phone: 773-436-6060; Fax: 773-436-6460;
Email: aaan@aaan.org
Website: www.aaan.org/board.html

Al-Hewar Center for Arab Culture and Dialogue (Virginia):
Contact: 703-281-6277; Fax: 703-281-0528 or 775-854-9846;
Email: alhewar@alhewar.com
Website: www.alhewar.com/

South Asians and Asian Americans

SAKHI for South Asian Women: a community-based organization in the New York metropolitan area committed to ending exploitation and violence against women of South Asian origin, with a particular focus on domestic violence.
P.O.Box 20208, Greeley Square Sation, New York, NY 10001-0006.
Phone: 212-714-9153; Fax: 212-564-8745;
Website: www.sakhi.org
Email: sakhiny@aol.com

South Asian Journalists Association: 212-854-5979;
Website: www.saja.org

Asian American Journalists Association: 415-346-2051;
Website: www.aaja.org

Sources of reliable Information

Lists of bias attacks/incidents since Sept. 11, 2001:

Indymedia (for alternative news and information):
www.indymedia.org (national)
www.nyc.indymedia.org (NYC)

English language news agencies from targeted regions:
www.paknews.com (Pakistan)
www.dawn.com/2001/09/14/ (Pakistan)
www.dawn.com/2001/09/14 (Afghanistan)
www.afgha.com (Afghanistan)
www.arabnews.com (Saudi Arabia)

Yahoo has set up a site with regularly updated news on the post-attack backlash against Arab and Muslim Americans, and links to sites with more information about Arab and Muslim Americans: www.dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/US/Arab_and_Muslim_Americans/

Middle East Network Information Center (MENIC), University of Texas at Austin (site includes information on Middle Eastern countries and resources related to Sept. 11, 2001): www.menic.utexas.edu/menic/

Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS), Georgetown University (Washington, DC): www.ccasonline.org

National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education (NCBE) resource highlights:
Sept. 11, posted on Anti-Racism Net:

Women and Girls in Afghanistan:
Fact sheet released by the Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues, March 10, 1998:

Q&A on Islam and Arab-Americans, compiled by USA Today:

"How stuff works" website has a section on terrorism with useful information & many links: www.howstuffworks.com

Quotations from Famous People about Islam and the Prophet Mohammed:


Ahmed Rashid, Taliban: militant Islam, oil and fundamentalism in Central Asia: Yale University Press, 2000, New Haven, CT. A progressive scholar's account of the conflict and the full history of the Taliban in Central Asia, plus analysis and ideas about the future of the movement & the region.

Albert Hourani, A History of the Arab Peoples: Warner Books, 1992, New York, NY. A well-organized, comprehensive introduction to the history of Arab peoples in all areas of the Middle East and North Africa, from beginnings to the present.

William L. Cleveland, A History of the Modern Middle East: Westview Press, 1994, Boulder, CO.

Ilan Pappe, The Making of The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1947-1951: I.B.Tauris, 1994, London, UK.

John L. Esposito, ed., Political Islam: revolution, radicalism, or reform?: Lynne Riener Publishers, 1997, Boulder, CO. Collection of essays by scholars on the connections between Islam and politics, including a chapter on Afghanistan and the Taliban.

Elizabeth Warnock Fernea, ed., Children in the Muslim Middle East: Univ. of Texas Press, 1995, Austin, TX. Collection of essays by scholars on the subject of children's rights, education, and welfare in the Muslim Middle East.


American Multi-Cultural Publications:
702 Cedar Lane, Hamilton, NJ 08610;
Phone: 609-777-5533; Fax: 609-777-9500.
Contact for list of published books dealing with cultural diversity in all parts of the world, especially the U.S., including many books on aspects of Arab and Hispanic history and community. Publishes the Reference Library of Hispanic America, and Reference Library of Middle Eastern America, on Jewish and Arab Americans.

Books on Islam, Ltd.: 240 West 72nd Street, New York, NY 10023.

American Educational Trust (AET) Book Club website:

Powell's online bookstore (new & used), including updated list of available titles relevant to Sept. 11 events. Enter the bookstore website (powells.com) by going through the Powell's staff union website at www.powellsunion.com/Bookstore.htm so that 10% of your purchase will go directly to employees through a negotiated profit-sharing agreement.

A note of acknowledgment: Many of the contacts were taken from the Resource Sheet for NYC Area on the 9-11-01 Tragedy & its Aftermath, produced by Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants www.itapnet.org/chri


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